What’s the difference between a standard wedding, small wedding & an elopement?

If you’re in the midst of planning a wedding and the terms “standard wedding” “small wedding” or “elopement” have come up in conversation with your partner, or with family, you’ve probably wondered what really IS the difference between the them?

Before I continue, please note that there are many different definitions of each, but these are how I would typically describe them to my clients:


Weddings are days that are full of friends, family, an aisle, maybe some flowers, cake, dancing, etc. When picturing a wedding - these are probably some elements that come to mind. Not all weddings incorporate each, nor do they have to, but a standard wedding usually has a group of people you wish to be there with you as you say ‘I do’ and to be there to celebrate with you afterwards.

Weddings look so different from one another these days, but ultimately weddings (standard weddings), are just one big party! It’s a great way to have everyone you love or who has supported you during your love story, to be there to celebrate and watch as you become married.


Small weddings used to be considered 50 people or less, but that’s not really the case these days. The range of “small weddings” can be from 10-30 people (roughly haha) and like a standard wedding, are there with you to watch as you say ‘I do’ and to celebrate with you afterwards however you may see fit. These weddings can be a full day like a standard wedding, or just a portion of the day (such as a morning wedding with a small brunch celebration afterwards).


Elopements are unique and I would say most people have truly not attended one. Why? Because in plain form; an elopement is shared between the two individuals being married, their officiant/commissioner, a photographer (maybe), and a witness (in some cases these can be the officiant/photographer). They can be intimate, small, and often look so different depending on the couple!

Not all elopements are this way however. Some may include immediate family members, or close friend or two. Some may be an entire day full of the couple’s favourite activities surrounded by loved ones, then ending the day just the two of them as they share their vows privately.

Elopements are small and are intimate! With limited people there to witness your ceremony.

So why choose one over the other?

In my opinion: elopements are a day for the couple choosing to celebrate their love the way they want to. Weddings and small weddings are a day for friends and family to enjoy celebrating the couple. Each one has their pros and cons, but each one has to feel right for the couple.

Some couple’s couldn’t imagine getting married without their circle of friends and their families by their sides! They want the celebration, the dinner and dancing to really ring in the day AND THAT’S OKAY. Some couple’s just want it to be the two of them, their dog and maybe both sets of parents AND THAT’S ALSO OKAY. Elopements can be intimate vows exchanged on top of a mountain, or fly to Las Vegas with Elvis as you commissioner - any way you exchange your vows needs to feel right for you.

When choosing a wedding style, you have to be completely honest with your partner to ensure the two of you are getting exactly what you want!

Not sure which way you might go for your wedding? Contact me today and we can discuss your vision!


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